Saturday, February 7, 2009



There hasn’t been a better time to nationalize the banking and investment industry since the great depression. Why should we encourage fraud by allowing the money-brokers to stay in business? They have already proven themselves to be incapable managers, scheming and unrepentant thieves, liars and swindlers who will stop at nothing to remain in power. They remain in control through bribery and creative publicity fueled by governmental appointees and a sympathetic congress which they bought and paid for with our money and backed up by a mainstream press which is in their hip-pocket and determined to spread fears of a financial meltdown which they have themselves created. Put the financial monsters in jail for life and throw away the key! They have self-created the impression that the world needs their “expertise,” when what is needed is a lot less banking without the element of greed for easy profits thrown into the mix. When a strictly-regulated governmental banking system based on the rule of law has been implemented and properly regulated, businesses and individuals will be able to operate within a more defined and reliable framework. Banks and investment houses have held the world hostage long enough with the brainwashing, intimidation, lies and innuendo that their financial bully pulpit has allowed them. Drag them down from their self-created ivory towers and give the reins of power to those who are more deserving of the responsibility of financial management of the nation and the world. Let’s stop giving these fiscal monstrosities the continuing ability to defraud and bankrupt the world and nation! Have you heard one word of apology from one bank official or investment house? No! And you will not hear anything from them but more excuses and finger-pointing, more blaming of the American public, the housing sector, and anyone or anything else they can think of to divert attention from themselves and their self-seeking and corrupted corporate greed. Pull back the curtain and expose these charlatans for who they really are and stop glorifying their experience and expertise! These guys cannot offer legitimate advice and counsel to their own mothers, much less the nation, so why prolong the nation’s suffering by allowing them to remain in power? I say there has never been a more justified and necessary time to nationalize the banks and investment houses. The last time I checked, we the people of the United States of America are still the ones who grant the power to our government to enact laws for our mutual benefit. That being said, let’s get busy and enact some laws whereby we the people of the United States have direct leadership in the banking of our nation. And since by implication IT IS WE OURSELVES WHO ARE THE GOVERNMENT, let us resolve never again to “trust the experts” with our financial solvency again!

Mark Overt Skilbred

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