Welcome to northwest Upland! This is the longest combination walk that I have completed, taking longer than a complete trip around Upland. That’s good news for those who are not faint-hearted and for those who prefer to stay closer to home. I find it easier to break this walk into three sections. Although this walk is longer than others you will encounter, I hope that you will enjoy it as thoroughly as I do and that you will recommend it to others. We are proud of this area that contributes so much to the health and vitality of its residents. Mountain View Park Neighborhood Walk is a combination walk comprised of the sixteen neighborhoods plus San Antonio Park, which are located in the farthest NW corner of Upland, CA, between 24th St on the N and the 210 freeway on the S, and between Mountain Ave on the E and San Antonio Creek on the W. Beginning from Mountain View Park East and proceeding in a counterclockwise direction through Mallorca, Orchard Park, San Antonio Park, Upland Summit, Mountain View Park West, Ashley Park, Lewis Homes North, Lewis Homes South, Acacia West, Evergreen Drive, Looking Glass and Acacia, and then curving NE on Mildura Ave and proceeding in a clockwise direction through Parc Chateau, Wentworth Way, South Mildura, Chelsea Park, and finishing at Mountain View Park East. All sixteen of these walks have been published, and can be done separately, or together as one unit, which is much shorter, by saving you sixteen separate return trips. This reduces your total walk-time by half. Here are the walk-times for the three sections, in the proper walk-sequence:
Section 1: Mildura, Orchard Park, San Antonio Park, Upland Summit, Mountain View West—2 ½ Hour Walk Time
Section 2: Ashley Park, Lewis Homes North, Lewis Homes South, Acacia West, Evergreen, Looking Glass—2 ¼ Hour Walk Time
Section 3: Acacia, Parc Chateau, Wentworth, South Mildura, Chelsea Park, Mountain View East—2 3/4 Hour Walk Time
For purposes of this particular combination walk, disregard the individual times-per-walk and assume that the combined total for the entire walk is more-or-less accurate. The following complete listing assumes that you are doing the walks in contiguous and consecutive order. Here’s to your health, and I’ll see you around the neighborhood!
Beginning at Mountain View Park, cross Mildura Ave to Mallorca on Cadiz Ave and TR on Mallorca St. Go E on Mallorca to the cul-de-sac, return W on Mallorca, go past the park and tennis courts on the R and continue W to the cul-de-sac. Return E to Alicante Ave and TL. Follow Alicante N to Granada St and TR. Go E on Granada to the cul-de-sac and then return W, passing Alicante to Naples Ave. TR and go N on Naples past the park, basketball court, picnic area and pool, and don’t miss the beautiful view of the mountains straight ahead. Go to where the street turns L on St Tropez St. Go W on St. Tropez, TR on Barcelona Ave and go N to Malaga St. TR and go E on Malaga to the cul-de-sac, return W, passing Barcelona, to the W cul-de-sac of Malaga. Return to Barcelona and go S to St. Tropez, turn R and follow St. Tropez W to where Palermo Ave goes S on the W side of the pool. TL and go E on Granada to Alicante and TR. Go S on Alicante to Mallorca and TL. Go E on Mallorca to Cadiz and TR. Go S on Cadiz to Mildura and TL.
Go E on Mildura Ave to Mountain Ave and TL. Go N on Mountain to the first and only street before 24th St and TL at the entrance gate to Orchard Park. Pass through the gate and TR on Walnut Ave. Follow Walnut N to the cul-de-sac, return and TR on Chestnut St. TR on Hickory Ave and then TR on Citrus St to the cul-de-sac. Go S on the sidewalk past the pool and TL to Walnut Ave. TR and go S on Walnut to the exit gate. TL and exit to Mountain Ave.
Go N on Mountain Ave, cross 24th St and go past San Antonio Park to the perimeter sidewalk on the N side of the park. TL and go W on the sidewalk to where it turns S and follow through the parking lot to 24th St. Then go W on 24th St, cross Deakin Ave, continuing W to the deadend at San Antonio Creek. Return E on 24th to Parkcrest St and TR.
Go S on Parkcrest St. TL on Highpoint St by the pool, go E to the cul-de-sac and return W to Starlight Ave. TL on Starlight, TR on Panorama St to the cul-de-sac and then return E on Panorama and go S past the basketball court and pool to Lookout Ct. TR and go W on Lookout to the cul-de-sac and return E to Crestview. Continue S on Crestview to Forest St. TR on Forest and go W, exploring Woodcrest Way, Ridgemont Way, Fairfield Way, Skyline Way, the basketball courts and Moonridge Court as Forest becomes Meadow Glen Way and goes N. TR on Grandview St to the cul-de-sac and return W to Birkdale St. TR on Birkdale and go N to Highpoint St. TL on Highpoint to the cul-de-sac, return and go E on Highpoint until you see the pool on the RHS. TL and go N on Parkcrest St, TR and go E on 24th St to Deakin Ave. TR and go S on Deakin to Mildura Ave.
TR on Mildura Ave to Daylily St. TR and go W on Daylily, past the tennis courts and basketball court. Just before turning L, walk up the hill on the railroad tie steps to Marigold St and TL. Go W on Marigold and turn S on Poppy Ave, pass Ash Ave and TL on Tulip St. Follow Tulip S and TL on Carissa St. TL on Daisy St and follow around the park to Alyssum Ave. Go N on Alyssum, passing the pool, and TR on Wisteria Ave. TR on Daylily St and go E to Mildura Ave.
FIRST BREAK (2 ½ Hours to complete the first 4 neighborhoods+park)
TR and go S on Mildura Ave on the W side of the street past Carissa St and TR on Amanda Pl, through the gate into Ashley Park. Follow Amanda W, Beverly Way N, Ashley Pl E and Sonya Ave S to the Amanda Pl exit. Exit Ashley Park and TR on Mildura Ave.
LEWIS HOMES NORTH (45 Minute Walk)
Go S on Mildura Ave to Somerset Way and TR. Go W on Somerset and TR on Oakhurst Ct to the cul-de-sac, return to Somerset and continue W to Wetherley Ct. TR on Wetherley to the cul-de-sac, return to Somerset and TR. Follow Somerset to the cul-de-sac and return to Hillcrest St. TR on Hillcrest and follow to the cul-de-sac. Return and TR on Morningside Ave. Continue and TR on Roxbury Ct and Mansfield Ct and follow these streets to their cul-de-sacs. Then return to Morningside and continue S to where the street bends L and becomes 21st St. Follow 21st E to Mildura, TR and follow Mildura S to Elmhurst Way.
Go W on Elmhurst and TR on Redgrove. Follow Redgrove N, follow W on Oriole Place and then go S on Windemere to the cul-de-sac and return to 20th St. Go W on 20th to Birkdale Ave and TR. Go N on Birkdale to the cul-de-sac and return S on Birkdale to Benson Ave. TL and go NE on the N side of Benson to Muirfield Ave. TL and go N on Muirfield and TR into Windsong Court. Follow it around, return to Muirfield, TR and continue N to Wakefield Ct. Follow it around, return to Muirfield, TR and continue N to Elmhurst Way. Cross the street to Katrina Way. Follow Katrina around, return to Elmhurst and go E to Mildura Ave. TR on Mildura and go S to Benson Ave.
TR and go SW on Benson to Brookdale Dr. TR and go W on Brookdale to Sunny Creek Ct. TL on Sunnycreek and follow to the cul-de-sac and then return and follow Springland Lane E, past the park to Brookdale. TR and follow Brookdale E to Benson. TL and go NE on Benson, cross Mildura Ave. TR and use the crosswalk to cross Benson. TR and follow Benson SW to the 210 Freeway overpass.
Turn around and go back NE on Benson to the first opening in the soundwall and go E on Evergreen Drive all the way to the end. Return W on Evergreen and explore all the cul-de-sacs going W, beginning with Cheshire Way, Moonbeam Circle, White Rabbit Trail, then exploring the park, going past the gazebo, pool and tennis court, up the 22 steps of the embankment, then return S to Evergreen and continue W to Briar Path, Shady Brook Way, Looking Glass Way and Ridgemont Court. Then follow Muirfield Ave N to Benson and return S to Evergreen and TR. Follow Evergreen W to Mitzi Court, then continue W to Birkdale Ave. TR on Birkdale and go N to Benson. TR and go NE on Benson to Brookdale Dr.
SECOND BREAK (2 ¼ Hour Walk-Time)
Follow Brookdale S past the pool to Willowbrook Lane and TR. Explore Clearwater Circle on the R on the way W to the cul-de-sac, then return E to Brookdale and follow it E. TL on Creekwood Lane, go N to Brookside St and follow Brookside E to the cul-de-sac and then return to the W cul-de-sac. Return S on Creekwood to Brookdale. Continue E on Brookdale, exploring Springcreek Circle on the R and then continue E and TR on Clearspring Dr. Go E on Clearspring, go N on Brookside Dr and TL into Creekside Court cul-de-sac. Return E to Brookside, TL and continue N, on the inside of the main gates, following the E perimeter sidewalk between the pool and basketball court to the north side of Acacia and then return S on Stonebrook Lane. TR on Running Creek Drive and go W to Creekwood Lane. TR and go N to Brookhaven Place. TR and follow E and then N on Bridgewood Way and continue W on Cloverbrook Lane to Brookhaven. TL on Brookhaven and then TR on Creekwood and follow S to Running Creek. TR on Running Creek and follow W past the basketball court and pool, TR on Brookdale Drive and TR on Benson. Cross Benson at the crosswalk and continue N on Mildura, passing Mountain View Park and continuing E to Mountain Ave.
Beginning at Mountain View Park, go E on Mildura Ave to Mountain Ave and TR. Go S on Mountain, passing 22nd St and TR through the main gate of Parc Chateau on Cannes Ave. TR on Lorraine Dr and go N and then W to Eiffel Circle and then Paris Circle, continue W to the Mildura gate and then return E past Paris Circle to the first sidewalk going S between the houses. Follow it S to the Y and take the RH fork to the gazebo. Take the LH fork S to Charmaine Dr and TR. Go W to Pinot Circle, follow it around and continue W on the S perimeter sidewalk as it traces the W boundary past the tennis courts and heads N. Go past the gate to where the sidewalk heads E to the gazebo and continue E to the Y. Continue E to the park and follow the sidewalk around to the S side of the pool. Continue S to Charmaine Dr and TR to Malati Circle. Follow it around and then return E on Charmaine past the park and bend N to the main entrance. Exit on Cannes and TL on Mountain. Go N on Mountain to Mildura Ave and TL. Go W on Mildura to Mountain View Park.
WENTWORTH WAY (45 Minute Walk)
Go W on Benson to Wentworth Way and TR. Go N on Wentworth and TR on Miller Ct. Follow Miller to the cul-de-sac and return to Wentworth. TR and continue N on Wentworth to Meadow Ct and TR. Go E on Meadow to the cul-de-sac, return to Wentworth and TL. Go S on Wentworth to Benson and TR. Follow Benson to Mildura Ave and TR.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Upland CA history, Mildura is Upland’s sister-city in South Australia, whose city-planning was also carried out by the Chaffees. It is fitting that the street named after Mildura is an unusually beautiful and well-thought-out centerpiece of several intertwined neighborhoods in this northwestern area of Upland. Go N on Mildura and TR on Havenhurst Way to the cul-de-sac and return to Mildura. TR and follow Mildura N to Northstar Lane. TR and go E on Northstar to the cul-de-sac and then return to Mildura.
Go N on Mildura to Somerset Way/Sunrise and TR. Enter Chelsea Park using the W entrance and follow Sunrise Circle all the way around the perimeter, walking past all of the homes, and then walk through the beautiful park that bears its name in the center of all the houses. This neighborhood is truly one of the jewels of Upland, and should not be missed! Exit the park through the W exit to Mildura and TR. Go N on Mildura to Mountain View Park.
Beginning from Mountain View Park, go S on Jasmine Ave past the playground and tennis courts to Dogwood St and TL. Go E on Dogwood to the park and return to Zinnia. TL on Zinnia and W past the pool to the park. TL on Lobelia Ave, go past the park and TL on Fuchsia St. TL on Hibiscus St, go E to the last park and TL on Oleander Ave. Go N on Oleander to Dogwood and TR to Verbena Ave. TL and go N on Verbena to where Oak St goes L and W to Willow Ave. Go N on Willow to Mildura Ave. TL and go W and S on Mildura and TL on Fuchsia St. TL on Lobelia, cross Zinnia, go past the park and TR on Ajuga, continue S on the E side of the park to Zinnia, TL and go E to Jasmine, TL and go N to Mountain View Park.
THIRD BREAK (2 3/4 Hour Total Walk-Time)
Congratulations on your persistence! I hope that you have been rewarded for your efforts with an appreciation of northwest Upland’s beautiful and well-tended homes and landscapes. Return often, bring your friends, and tell others what our area has to offer those who enjoy our Upland walks.
Mark Overt Skilbred
Monday, January 25, 2010
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