Wednesday, December 30, 2009



Beginning at Mountain View Park, go E on Mildura Ave to Mountain Ave. Mildura becomes 23rd St at this point, so continue E on 23rd to San Antonio Ave and go S to the S side of 16th St, (Baseline Rd). This is necessary, as there is no sidewalk on the N side of 16th between Campus and Tanglewood. Turn L on 16th and go E to Tanglewood Ave. Go N, crossing 16th, to Hummingbird Lane. Turn R and go E on Hummingbird to where it bends L and goes N on Eastgate Ave. Cross 19th St, where Eastgate becomes Sapphire St and crosses over the 210 freeway. TL immediately behind the 210 soundwall and go W on the bridle path to Cucamonga Creek Trail, turn R and go N, following the drainage canal to Confluence Park Trail Rest on the W side of the bridge. Then continue N alongside Cucamonga Wash until just before the spillway, where you will cross over the wash and continue N on the W side of the spillway to the upramp that takes you onto Cucamonga Dam. Continue NW on top of the dam until it joins back into Cucamonga Creek Trail and goes north to 24th St. TL and exit the trail W through the opening in the wall. Go W on 24th, cross Campus and Euclid and turn R on San Antonio Ave. Go N uphill on San Antonio until it splits and take the lefthand fork on San Antonio Crest West to where it intersects with Mountain Ave. TL and go W on Mountain to where it begins to curve S, cross Mountain to the N side of San Antonio Park, and follow the perimeter sidewalk W and then S through the parking lot to 24th St. TR and go W on 24th to Deakin Ave. Turn L and go S on Deakin to Mildura Ave. Cross Mildura Ave to Mountain View Park.

Mark Overt Skilbred

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