Tuesday, May 26, 2009



Now we’ll have bipartisanship, whether the Republicans like it or not. The lack of bipartisan support for the Obama administration, particularly regarding the fiscal stimulus package has exasperated both Democrat and Republican voters at a time when cooperation and expediency are urgently needed to prevent even more economic damage from being done. I applaud Senator Specter’s candid remarks which were addressed to both houses of Congress and the American public. Now is the time to work together on programs which can quickly turn this economy around and head it in a new direction. The whole world is hoping for signs of improvement and depending on us to lead the way forward. Doing nothing is the worst thing we can do in this present moment, so my hope is that other Senate and House Republicans will join Senator Specter in supporting the Obama administration’s efforts to make the economic corrections which are necessary to move us forward quickly.

Mark Overt Skilbred

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